Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Brother Benjamin moneychanger message

“Remember the word “bubble,” you heard it here first...”
Donald Trump, December 19th 2015.
Love him or hate him there is one thing nobody can deny:
Donald Trump knows a lot about the US economy!
He is part of the top 1% running this country and has built a multi-billion dollar fortune
So is the Republican front-runner full of hot air again?
Or is this a slip of the tongue from somebody who knows more than he is willing to share with the rest of us?


Here what Trump had to say about this “bubble” on December 19th, 2015:
“We could be in bubble and that bubble could crash and it's not going to be a pretty picture. You know the market is going down big league the last couple of weeks. But we could be in a big fat bubble and if that bubble crashes it's a problem. The word bubble, remember the word bubble... you heard it here first... I don't want to sound rude, but I hope that if it explodes it's going to explode now, rather than 2 months into another administration.”

If you, too, are feeling scared or confused, then this presentation will shed light on what's really happening right now.

If you give me just 10 minutes of your time, I promise that by the end of this short video, you will understand more about the economy than many Harvard graduates.

My name is Charles Hayek and I am a retired economics Professor.

For most of my life I have studied macroeconomics and the cycles of boom and bust in the global economy.
In my research I have uncovered a strange pattern that has been going on for the past 20 years.


Right now, I will show you the hard facts that lead me to this conclusion in plain and simple English, so that by the end of this video you can make your own choice and be better prepared for what's to come.  But to understand how this bizarre pattern works, we need to take a short look back at 1999.
It seemed like a totally different America than the one we are living in today.  The stock market was booming thanks to the internet companies, affectionately called “the dot coms.”  For many Americans, investing in the internet companies seemed like the quickest way to become rich.

More and more people put their savings into the stock market, driving it higher and higher.  They gambled their money on the hope that they could sell these stocks for 2 to 3 times their value...and everybody was praising the Clinton administration for creating the biggest economic growth in US history.


Even the Chairman of the Federal Reserve, Alan Greenspan, said:
“Technology is creating a new economy, one where the old rules no longer applied.”
The FED was so confident that in February 2000 it began raising the interest rates to their highest level since 1995.

At the same time, bad economic data started to come in.
The previous holiday season that was supposed to bring big profits to internet based companies was a major disappointment...and it was not just online shopping... ordinary Americans bought less, and consumption was dropping.

While the nation was preparing the next election, the house of cards built around the stock market started to collapse.

It was the largest drop ever recorded, and by the end of the next week, Wall Street had lost almost a quarter of its value.  The long economic boom of the late 90s became a gigantic bust.  Bush was entering at a time when the NASDAQ had lost 60% of its value, erasing 7 trillion dollars of American wealth.  Clinton's economy grew on the back of the dot com bubble. And now, everybody was looking to Bush to get the economy going again. But before going any further, let's take a short step back and see what we can learn from this:

An economic bubble grows around an asset that becomes very attractive to investors.  In the 90s, this asset was the internet company stock.  Greed attracts more and more people who gamble their money, hoping that prices will go up, and they will sell for a profit later.  When people are blinded by the bubble they think that growth will never end.  This delusion is fueled by the media, economic experts and even the FED.
At this point something very interesting happened: as the economy showed signs of slowing down, the FED raised the interest rate, and, curiously, some months before the next US election, the bubble bursts - creating massive economic pain.

We now have a theory that we can put to the test:

A bubble emerges and grows on low interest rates.  Investors and speculators are “all in,” as the experts say everything is fine and growth will continue.  The FED raises interest rates before the next Presidential election.
The economy begins to slow down.  The bubble bursts and the next President has to deal with the aftermath.


Before the 2008 election another bubble burst.  The asset this time was houses.  The Federal Reserve had cut interest rates from 6% in 2001 to 1% in 2003. Rock bottom interest rates created a huge demand for mortgages as they were cheaper to pay off. Everybody wanted a house and that pushed prices up. You could get rich just by becoming a homeowner as the price kept going up!

Soon, even people who could not afford to make a down payment or could not provide proof of a steady income and collateral were given loans to purchase new homes.

If these people defaulted on their payments, the bankers didn't care. They would be left with the house, an asset that was rising in price. These no down payment, no collateral mortgage loans, called subprime mortgages, were given to millions of low income families.

Now, the bankers had a brilliant idea...bundle up the normal mortgages with the subprime ones, and sell them to other banks, pension funds, hedge funds, and sovereign funds. Mortgage payments generated huge profits and demand was high for this new type of speculative contract now called Collateralized Debt Obligations or CDO's. No one thought a mass default on mortgage payments was possible.  Banks Big and small gambled on CDOs, thinking that prices would continue to rise.


This created the housing bubble.  The experts appeared all over mainstream news assuring everyone that housing was not a bubble.

The Federal Reserve now started to increase interest rates.

By 2007, the interest rates had reached 5.25%, many families with subprime mortgages could not afford to make the monthly payments, and their homes were foreclosed.  As more and more houses went up for sale, the prices started dropping. Consumption plummeted. A new crisis had begun...and it would reach its peak in fall 2008, right before the elections.
House prices tanked. Banks and other investment funds found that their bulletproof, high profit CDOs became worthless. No one wanted to buy CDOs or houses anymore. It was a financial bloodbath.  The banking giant Lehman Brothers had bet on mortgages and was left holding assets nobody wanted anymore. 

 On the 15th of September it filed for bankruptcy.  During November 2008, Americans lost more than a quarter of their collective net worth. U.S. stocks were down by 45% from its 2007 high. Housing prices had dropped 20% from their 2006 peak. Total US household wealth went down by $14 trillion.
Through the banking giants Citigroup, Bank of America, JP Morgan and Goldman-Sachs, the big traders of CDOs, the crisis had spread to the world...and now stocks and property values plummeted, everywhere.

The economy of the world entered a deep recession.  All this happened as our nation was preparing to choose its 44th President. The housing bubble burst 2 months before the election.


We have a new housing and subprime mortgage bubble created by low interest rates. Many Americans thought housing was a secure investment. The banks gambled huge sums of money on CDOs.  The “experts”, again, said everything was fine.  The economy started to weaken in late 2007.  The Fed increased the interest rates.  The bubble violently burst just as Americans were preparing to vote for the 44th President of the United States. 

Everything that happened in 2000 happened again in 2008, only this time the bubble was bigger, and the damage, global and massive.

The theory is proven correct.

So... what about right now?

There is an election coming this November.


Well... in December 2015, the Fed started to increase interest rates. For the past 5 years the rate has been close to 0%.  Another rate hike is expected in January and in February.  The economy is already showing signs of stress:

Right now, the Bloomberg Commodity Index hit a 16 year low.  The last time this happened was August 2008. Commodities represent all the goods being traded around the world, everything from oil to coffee, sugar, steel and copper.  When their price slumps it signals a slowdown in the world economy.  Oil is reaching its 2008 low point.

The last time the price of oil was this low, the global financial system was melting down.  It's happening again. And this time it will hit the US economy much harder because of the “shale miracle.”
CNBC's Jim Cramer is warning that many US oil companies will become bankrupt if the price of oil remains this low.

The price of copper, too, has plunged all the way down to $2. The last time it was this low was just before the stock market crash of 2008.  Corporate debt defaults have risen to the highest level that we have seen since the last recession.  Consumption is slowing down: In October, U.S. imports of goods declined by 6.6 percent, on a year over year basis. U.S. exports of goods declined by 10.4 percent on a year over year basis. 2015 was the worst year for holiday spending since 2008. 

 U.S. manufacturing is contracting at the fastest pace that we have seen since the last recession.  If just one or two of these indicators were flashing red, that would be bad enough.  The fact that all of them seem to be saying the exact same thing tells us that big trouble is ahead.  Facing all of this negative data, the "experts" claim that everything is fine.

Obama said in his State of the Union that the economy is fixed.  John G. Stumpf, CEO of Wells Fargo: “The Economy is fundamentally strong [...] Housing is booming, technology is booming, commercial real estate is booming.”  Michael Bloomberg: “In all fairness to Obama, during the last few years jobs have been created, and the jobless rate is way down.”  Lloyd Blankfine, CEO of Goldman Sachs: “The United states is growing as a trend.  2.5% - 3% trend growth.”


An election year;
An economy showing real weakness
The FED raising interest rates;
The experts saying everything is fine


Does he know something we don't?
Well, to understand exactly what a bubble is, we need to look back at the dot com and the mortgage/CDO bubbles.

In both cases, people thought they had something that would never stop growing, something too big to fail.
In both cases, stocks and housing attracted huge sums of money, driving their prices way beyond their actual value. This is just like gambling.  Buyers get the asset, hoping they will sell it in the future for a profit. When the bubble bursts, those who are left with the asset suffer huge losses.


The following 5 minutes will be shocking and a little bit tricky to understand...and I hope you are sitting down for this.  My prediction for 2016 is that we will see a banking collapse that will make the 2008 crisis look like a Sunday afternoon picnic.

This coming crash will wipe out the entire US financial sector and take with it savings, deposits, retirement funds, pensions... it will be nothing short of a financial bloodbath.  How can this be possible?  Well, remember how bubbles are created when something seems to grow indefinitely? The delusion is that something is too big to fail - but the bigger the bubble becomes, the faster it fails. Right now, people think Big Banks can't fail because of their size and importance to the world economy. It is as blatant as their name suggests.


On September 18th, 2008 – Hank Paulson, the US Secretary of the Treasury, told members of Congress that $5.5 trillion in wealth would disappear by 2 p.m. that day unless the government took immediate action, and that the world economy could collapse "within 24 hours."  What took place next was undoubtedly the biggest blackmail in history. The threat: keep the Big Banks alive...or else the economy implodes and depositors lose their money. In December 2008 the first of many financial stability measures was put into place.

The FED's mission, from then on, was to keep the big banks alive no matter what.  Economists calculated that the total cost of the various measures put into place to accommodate Big Banks was in excess of $20 trillion up to this year. The Too Big To Fail Banks now had a taxpayer sponsored safety net. The message was clear: do whatever risky business you want, we've got your back!


The idea that the Too Big to Fails were going to get cut down to size after the financial crisis has turned into a giant myth. In fact, they've become bigger.

JPMorgan-Chase, No. 1 among banks in total assets, has seen its base swell to more than $2.5 trillion. The company's deposit base alone has grown by 29 percent since the end of 2008.

The so-called Big Four institutions—JP Morgan, Bank of America, Citigroup and Wells Fargo—continue to distance themselves from the pack, with some $8.2 trillion in total assets. That's 154 percent more than the rest of the top 50 banks combined. 

 Unfortunately, the old saying “the bigger they are, the harder they fall” will prove correct...and when they collapse, the result will be nothing short of catastrophic for the world economy.  But for a bubble to inflate, you also need an asset on which speculation or rather gambling has become so rampant and so over the top that a disaster is just waiting to happen.


It's called the derivatives market, and right now the total net worth of all outstanding derivatives contracts is a staggering 552.9 trillion dollars, according to the Bank for International Settlements.


Let that number sink in for a moment!  Total US debt right now stands close to 19 trillion, and most Americans find that shocking.  But very few have any idea of how big this financial market is. The entire economy of the world in REAL goods and services is evaluated at around $78 trillion annually... the derivative market is 7 times the value of every good and every service provided around the world in an entire year.

At first, I thought this number was too big to be real. But, the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, Independent Bureau of the U.S. Department of the Treasury, confirms it.  Feel free to check these numbers once the presentation is done, and you will find that they are 100% accurate.  Make no mistake; you are looking at the biggest bubble in the history of mankind. Something 7 times greater than the entire economy of the world.


A derivative is a speculative contract, a bet placed on stocks, mortgages, interest rates, the price of commodities like gold, silver, coffee, oil or the possibility of a company or even a nation to default...basically, right now, there is nothing of economic worth that does not have some sort of derivative attached to it. All derivatives are bets.  This is not a metaphor, an analogy, or a generalization. The players on the derivative market gamble trillions on the future price of the asset to which the derivative is attached to.  Warren Buffett once referred to derivatives as “financial weapons of mass destruction,“ and he was proven right.

The CDOs that led to the crash of 2008 were derivatives, as they drew their value form interest payments on mortgages and housing prices. They were traded on this market just like all the other derivatives. And they were just a tiny part of the market. In 2008 there were about $500 billion worth of CDOs.  That was only a very tiny fraction of the derivatives market. Yet it was enough to almost collapse the economy of the world.
Remember how I said that this is the world's largest casino?  In a nutshell, the derivatives market - or more correctly put, the derivatives casino - is where Big Banks and other financial institutions place their bets on every aspect of the world economy. 


So how much did the Big US banks bet on derivatives?
Well, the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency has the exact numbers:
Citigroup Total Assets: $1,808,356,000,000 (more than 1.8 trillion dollars)
Total Exposure To Derivatives: $53,042,993,000,000 (more than 53 trillion dollars)
JPMorgan Chase Total Assets: $2,417,121,000,000 (about 2.4 trillion dollars)
Total Exposure To Derivatives: $51,352,846,000,000 (more than 51 trillion dollars)
Goldman Sachs Total Assets: $880,607,000,000 (less than a trillion dollars)
Total Exposure To Derivatives: $51,148,095,000,000 (more than 51 trillion dollars)
Bank Of America Total Assets: $2,154,342,000,000 (a little bit more than 2.1 trillion dollars)
Total Exposure To Derivatives: $45,243,755,000,000 (more than 45 trillion dollars)
Morgan Stanley Total Assets: $834,113,000,000 (less than a trillion dollars)
Total Exposure To Derivatives: $31,054,323,000,000 (more than 31 trillion dollars)


That is an amount of money that is more than 13 times the size of the U.S. national debt, and it is a ticking time bomb that could set off financial Armageddon at any moment. This is gambling on the future of the world economy on an unprecedented scale. And just like every other bubble before it, the Too Big to Fail Derivatives Bubble will burst. This is proven economic theory.  The bubble to end all bubbles...because of its sheer size. 

It's inflated to a size far greater than the dot com bubble and the mortgage/CDO bubble combined.  This is the final piece of the puzzle.

The Fed interest rate hike, the experts claiming everything is ok, the real economy slowing down, and the bubble that has inflated to an unsustainable size.  If history repeats itself, 2016 will be the year big banks come crashing down.  The FED and our government are totally powerless to stop them.  Their safety net is made out of straws.  It took extraordinary efforts to prop up the big banks in 2008.  During Obama's presidency, the US debt doubled, reaching almost $19 trillion, yet the economy grew at a modest pace of 2% per year.  Compare that to the doubling of the derivatives market and you begin to realize the level of economic pain we are about to feel. This will make the Great Depression of the ‘30s and the Great Recession of 2008 feel like a picnic.


You need only to picture what happened in Greece to get an idea:

The first thing that happened is that all the banks closed. The only way people could get their money out was with ATM withdrawals, and they were limited to 60 euros/day. That's about $63. 

Ask yourself this: if the banks close in the US, could you live with $63 per day? Immediately, huge lines formed in front of ATMs. 

 People waited in the scorching heat for hours to get a tiny fraction of their savings and deposits out.  In numbers, according to a recent report from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), 17% of the Greek population is currently unable to meet their daily needs for food. Approximately 30% are living below the poverty line. 

The official unemployment rate is 27%, 52% of under-25s.  In Athens, Greece's capital, one of these is 53-year-old Athenian Vassilis Dimopoulos, who used to earn up to 3,000 euros per month until his employer folded in 2008. 

 “I sold my home in 2007, though the small profit I made is now gone.  I was on the streets for six months,” he said. 

Now, Dimopoulos lives in a Red Cross hostel, selling Athens's street paper “Schedia.”

Jenny Varvagianni, an Athens public official, claims that the capital of Greece and other urban centers have been pushed beyond a socio-economic crisis into a humanitarian crisis.

“What's bringing us to our knees are the people who had jobs, had their lives in order, were supporting their families, educating their kids.  Regular middle-class couples who lost both, or maybe just one job, are now on the brink. 

Many have had water or electricity cut off or face eviction at any moment because they've fallen so far behind with their rent or mortgage,” she said, “People's pay and pensions have been cut, everyone is more and more squeezed.”

DIONYSSIA MICHAELIDOU, Retiree:  "I have no insurance. I have no pension. I have nothing."  Today, as many as 15,000 Athenians can be classified as homeless. Most homeless are men, half of them non-Greeks.  60% of them are addicted to alcohol or drugs, and two thirds have physical or mental health issues.
The budget for Greece's 132 hospitals was $735 million before the economic crisis.  This year, that number dropped to $50 million.

THEO GIANNAROS, Director, Elpis Hospital:  "With this problem, in the next months, even the insured people aren't going to have the proper treatment.  So, if we don't have any money, our treatments are going to be aspirins, or red peppers, like in Africa. What is happening here is a crime against humanity. Here, some thousands are going to die or died already."
The deepening poverty has led to an increase in suicides and preventable deaths. Since the crisis, suicides have increased by roughly 50 percent.

EMMY CHRISTOULAS, Daughter of Suicide Victim: “If one Greek was to take up a Kalashnikov, I would be the second. I find no other solution than that of a dignified exit before I begin searching through the garbage for my food. I believe that one day, because the younger generation has no future, they will take up arms and hang the traitors of the nation.”
The collapsing medical system, like the increase in suicides, are both symptoms of the impact of the crisis on Greece.


No one. The crisis brought by the collapse of the too Big to Fail Banks will be global, and it will dwarf anything the world has ever seen.  Personally, I expect that everything that happened in Greece will happen in the US, but on a much greater scale...and the impacts will be far worse.  I have studied economic for the past 35 years.  I have seen it go through good times and I have studied the bad ones.  I went through the numbers over and over again thinking this is not real, thinking I had made a mistake somewhere. But many other economic experts say the same thing.

The same experts who warned us about the crisis coming in 2008, are all sounding the alarm bells. Peter Schiff, Gerald Celente, Mark Faber and many others are predicting a disaster for 2016.  To be completely honest with you, I am afraid for my future and the future of my family.  I knew I had to do something to prepare for the worst.


Well, during my research for this presentation, I discovered what Americans did during the last 3 financial meltdowns, which strategies worked and which condemned hundreds of thousands to poverty.  But I felt that was not enough.  Given the size of the derivatives market and the wild speculation going on, securing wealth and financial stability may be very low on the priority list for any family.  Food, water, safety, and keeping illness and criminals away may be a far more pressing concern. These are the very real threats in case of a major disaster.

If this presentation made any sense to you, if you have begun to understand the economic gun that's pointed at the head of every US citizen than you too need to take the following information very seriously.  Make no mistake, this disaster will be global. There will be no place to run to for safe haven.  Now, when it comes to disaster preparedness, there are some people in our country who take survival very seriously. I heard of them from TV shows like “Doomsday Preppers,” and before discovering the looming derivatives disaster, I didn't take them seriously...I thought they were just the 21th century form of crazy, induced by Hollywood disaster movies.

Researching the coming economic meltdown changed my mind completely, and I remembered that one of the former faculty members, Mark Baker, had actually quit his job back in 2009 to dedicate his life to prepping.

I remembered what he said when he left: “The safety of my family comes first, everything else is irrelevant.”  I knew I had to get in touch with him again. He agreed to meet me.  I knew I had found the right person when he said he went to Greece during the worst time of the crisis to see exactly what was going on and how people coped with an economic disaster.  During a five month period, he stayed with 4 Greek families in the most impoverished areas, learning how an economic crisis impacts their daily lives and trying to help them out all the while putting his survival knowledge to the test.  The way he saw it is that he had spent weeks looking for solutions, read countless books, watched the documentaries and went to survival training and seminars. 

Now it was time for a real life test of what he had learned, and he decided he would live there on a $300 budget for the entire trip.  His conclusion: a lot of the information provided by “survival gurus” out there has nothing to do with real life, and can be downright dangerous.  A lot of these "survival experts" with their "amazon bestseller books" are sitting behind their computer imagining how an economic collapse will happen, writing about unproven "rehashed" solutions, strategies that sound good in theory, but are completely unproven in a collapse. 

 Fortunately, nothing beats hands-on, hard earned knowledge.  His experience in Greece was eye-opening to say the least. He went through a food shortage, blackouts, riots, and he learned how to be safe from criminals when the police simply don't interfere, and how to barter for supplies.  He saw how real families manage to keep their spirits up in even the most desperate times, and how to cope with illness and injury while the hospitals are out of supplies, understaffed, or flooded by wounded from riots.  Yes, he went through a lot of hardships, pain, and suffering to discover how to survive and thrive in the collapse.  After telling me about this personal experience, we talked about problems that arise in an economic collapse - and how to solve them. 

 Surviving an economic crisis is one thing; thriving and securing your wealth during it is a totally different game. Fortunately, I had already done my research on that.  So we put our knowledge together and created an economic disaster survival blueprint for our families that would handle both survival and wealth protection.  We knew we had to warn unsuspecting Americans of what is coming and share this vital knowledge with them.  This is how “Surviving the Final Bubble” was born: A blueprint to surviving and thriving during the coming Big Bank Derivatives collapse.
In the wealth protection section you will discover:

The three assets you do not have to report to the U.S. Government. In 1933 President Franklin D. Roosevelt forbade the Hoarding of gold within the continental United States, criminalized the possession of monetary gold, and confiscated thousands of tons from the citizens. This has happened mainly due to the Great Depression, and can happen again during an economic collapse, to whatever assets the government wants to take away from you. But they can't take what they don't know you have. We will show you the safest investments you can make to protect your financial stability. 

We will show you exactly why silver may become the best place to store your wealth and where to get it to avoid scammers.  Historically, during an economic crisis the price of silver skyrockets, not to mention the fact that silver coins are easy to barter with and to store.  We will tell you the absolute best asset to buy during the crisis. This is not preparation: this means acting on the moment and seizing an opportunity that may end all your financial worries. 

This information is designed to help you thrive during the Big Bank Derivatives Collapse... if it does not spin completely out of control. But if it does, Mark's hard-earned skills will guide you through, in what we call the worst-case scenario section.  Inside, you will discover:

How to have consistent, nutritious and long lasting food stores in a crisis, by storing food and water without alerting anyone. 

 Following these first few crucial steps will guarantee that you and your family won't be left at the mercy of others for the most basic human needs.  In Greece, even some middle class people with respectable jobs wound up digging through trash or stood in lines for hours for a humanitarian handout.  You want to do everything in your power to avoid that, and we will show you how.

12 skills vital during the coming collapse. 

All of these essential skills were selected by Mark based on his experience in Greece. When the services we've come to rely on are no longer available, and when having cash becomes just paper, you will want to have something valuable to trade other than your supplies. You will be safer knowing you always have valuable knowledge to offer in exchange for whatever you might need.

Unfortunately, because of their stature and frailness, children and senior citizens are the weakest links in disastrous situations like these. But that doesn't have to be the case anymore, because we will show you a couple of essential tips to ensure their safety and well-being at all times.  You will discover the secrets on how to build strong links within the community and how to become its leader.  There is always safety and comfort in numbers, and you will find out how to build a cohesive group which knows how to manage dangerous situations.

This is just a brief glimpse on our comprehensive guide to surviving and thriving during the coming financial meltdown.


Should this worse case scenario happen, if you follow the information inside, you'll never have to beg, borrow, or steal just to feed your family, or clothe your children, or to not have to live in unsanitary conditions during any crisis.

So, I and Mark, in late December 2015, decided we needed to warn as many Americans as possible of the Coming Big Bank Collapse.  We made this presentation as quickly as possible, and worked on it during Christmas and New Year.  We finally managed to get it online.

We've managed to deliver “Surviving the Final Bubble” to over 1000 families through the internet, and we did it without charging them a single cent.  Unfortunately, keeping the website up, and running and sending the message across is not cheap.  We dedicated $10,000 of our savings to do this, and it was all gone by January 3rd.

The only reason you are seeing this presentation right now is because we started to offer “Surviving the Final Bubble” at cost.  We crunched the numbers and in order to keep this website alive we need to get back $37 for every copy delivered.  However, there is some good news.

One of the 1000 people to whom we were able to deliver “Surviving the Final Bubble” offered to contribute to our project by sharing with us two comprehensive survival books:

The first one is called “Survival Mindset.”  During a crisis, many have lost their lives because they succumbed to emotional stress.  This guide is dedicated to showing you all the secrets to overcoming the powerful emotions that can overcome even the most seasoned survivalist during a disaster.  In chapter 1 you will discover the simple blueprint to coping with the emotional stress that can ruin even the most carefully put together survival plan.

You will learn the simple remedies for the most crippling emotional states: Isolation, Anxiety, Hopelessness, and many others.  This knowledge will keep you and every member of your group confident, disciplined, and steadfast, maximizing your chances of survival.  You will learn how to keep morale up, and how to maintain a positive attitude.  Using this information, you will easily become a true leader of the community.
The second focuses on hygiene and sanitary conditions during the shortages that come with any disaster.
“Secrets to Sanitization After SHTF” is designed to show you how to be safe from diseases by using survival techniques to dispose of potentially harmful waste and garbage, as well as how to efficiently use limited hygiene supplies to maximize their effectiveness.

You will also discover how to prioritize hygiene needs during a disaster.  Valuable resources must always be kept for high priority sanitization needs and not squandered on petty ones.  These bonuses are available absolutely free with your copy of “Surviving the Final Bubble” and your support of this website today.


Just say "maybe" to the “Surviving the Final Bubble” program click and the “Get Instant Access Button.”  Fill out your information on the secured payment processor page, then go through the program and the bonuses for a full 60 day trial.  If you have any reason for being unhappy with your investment, you will get a refund in as little as 48 hours, no questions asked.  It's as simple as that, and you risk nothing.  It will be hard to find a better proposition than this.  

Frankly, the way things are going I would be surprised if the first major shocks to the economic system don't happen by the end of your trial period.  When the unthinkable happens, roles in society are reversed.  Being able to read fancy spreadsheets might be useful today, but in a crashing society, it will put you at the bottom of the food chain.  Adaptability, strength, and the knowledge you are about to receive are the only things that will get you and family through.  It's time for you to make a choice... it may be the most important one you will ever make.

There are 3 possible paths ahead of you:

Path #1: You don't do anything. You go on with your daily life and pray for a miracle or that any of the data presented above is fake or misinterpreted.  You can trust Obama, Janet Yellen, and Ben Bernanke when they all say everything is fine.  But that's exactly what all the talking heads on TV and all the politicians said back in 2008.
But this time you know it's different.  The bubble is much, much bigger. And the FED is out of ammo.  They have printed too much money already and they have kept interest rates low for too long.  There is no way out.

No one to bail out the Too Big to Fail Banks or the Government;  Over the past 8 years, we have doubled our debt while the real economy (NOT WALL STREET) hasn't even fully recovered from the last bubble.  These are the undeniable facts of our time.  I strongly urge you not to remain passive.  Remember the suffering of Greece... it will all come to America, soon.

It will all happen right before your eyes.  Mark heard firsthand the cries of children; saw the tears of hunger pain streaming down their faces.  Don't let the same happen to your family.
That is the result of doing nothing, of being unprepared.  I hate to ask you this, but would you be able to live with yourself knowing you had the one good solution in hand, one click away, completely risk free?  Unfortunately, this is the kind of attitude most Americans will cling to.  But I get it.  Ignorance is bliss.  Ignorance is much more comfortable than being a true man and an upstanding American citizen who is taking action right NOW.

Path #2: Prepare and learn everything by yourself.  Like I said earlier, I've spent countless nights thinking about the best ways to protect my family...but sure, if you really want to, it could be a viable option.  But keep this in mind. You've never been through an actual economic collapse.
You don't have the skills specifically tailored for this kind of disaster.  Should you chose one of these paths, we wish you the best of luck and pray that you too will make it.

Path #3:  get instant access to the “Surviving the Final Bubble” program now, a risk free, worry free program, with a treasure trove of knowledge to help you thrive and prosper during the economic collapse.  Allow yourself and your family to have the peace of mind that comes when you know you have done everything in your power to keep them safe.  You have to realize that the consequences of an economic collapse will NOT be the same as if there's a terrorist attack, or food crisis, or grid attack.
What will be happening in the following months is something that Americans have never experienced before.

The closest we've ever come is the Great Depression, and yet while things were bad, society and the government survived.  But with no middle class to fund anything, with no jobs, no economy, and a government that is already tens of trillions of dollars in debt...you and your family will be completely on your own.  Unless, that is, you have the guts to take the actionable steps included in the program, in which case, you can have an entire proven survival plan in place in less than 14 days from now without spending more than $100 in expenses.

You can be one of the smart Americans who understand something amazing when they see who goes through the program, feel your worries and anxiety melt away; all the while contributing to this project and helping many American families just like yours survive and thrive during the greatest bubble in the history of mankind.

The choice should be obvious but it's up to you to take the final step.
God bless you and God bless America!

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